
Please note: You MUST hold a practice qualification before you gain one of the following mandatory management qualifications. Information on accepted practice qualifications is listed under practitioner in a day care of children service.

Management qualification.

  • BA Childhood Practice
  • SQA Professional Development Award Childhood Practice (360 credits at SCQF Level 9)
  • BA (Hons) Childhood Practice (Strathclyde University)
  • Graduate Diploma in Childhood Practice (University of the West of Scotland)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Childhood Practice
  • Master of Education Childhood Practice (University of Glasgow)

Qualifications meeting requirements of other regulatory bodies:

  • BA (Hons) Social Work (or equivalent)

Plus 60 credits from one of the following awards:

  • BA Childhood Practice
  • Postgraduate Diploma Childhood Practice
  • PDA Childhood Practice (at SCQF level 9)
  • Degree/Diploma in Community Education as recognised by the Standards Council for Community Learning and Development for Scotland Approvals Committee

Plus 60 credits from one of the following awards:

  • BA Childhood Practice
  • Postgraduate Diploma Childhood Practice
  • PDA Childhood Practice (at SCQF level 9)
  • A qualification meeting the registration requirements for the following professional groups regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council:
    • Occupational Therapists
    • Art, Music and Drama Therapists
    • Physiotherapists
    • Speech and Language Therapists
    • Practitioner Psychologists

Plus 60 credits from one of the following awards:

  • BA Childhood Practice
  • Postgraduate Diploma Childhood Practice
  • PDA Childhood Practice (at SCQF level 9)
  • A qualification meeting the registration requirements of the General Teaching Council (Scotland), Nursing and Midwifery Council or the General Medical Council.

Plus 60 credits from one of the following awards:

  • BA Childhood Practice
  • Postgraduate Diploma Childhood Practice
  • PDA Childhood Practice (at SCQF level 9)

If you have any questions about your qualifications being suitable for SSSC registration, please contact us using the web form on our Contact us page.

Legacy qualifications (past qualifications we continue to accept)

  • BA Professional Development in Childhood Practice (University of Dundee)
  • Master of Education Childhood Practice (University of Dundee)

An acceptable practice qualification plus one of the following but only with graduation dates before the end of December 2010.

  • BA (Hons) Childhood and Youth Studies (Open University)
  • BA (Hons) Early Years (Open University)
  • BA Childhood Studies
  • BA Early Childhood Studies
  • BA Professional Development (Early Childhood Studies)