If you have technical difficulties when trying to use MySSSC, this guide should help you resolve issues relating to web browsers, for example Internet Explorer, that are not up to date.
The best web browser to use with MySSSC and the SSSC website is Chrome, so if possible, please use Chrome.
Other web browsers are supported, as long as you are using the most up to date version (for example Internet Explorer, Safari) on your device (computer, mobile or tablet).
If you are using a Mac you might experience some differences navigating though the menus on our website.
You can check your web browser on the following website https://www.whatsmybrowser.org/
If you are not using the most up to date browser
- Download the current version.
- Clear your history (or cache).
- Close down your web browser then open it again.
- Try to use MySSSC again.
To download the most up to date browser
Go to this link and follow the instructions to update your web browser
To clear your history (cache)
Go to this link and follow the instructions for your browser
Try to use MySSSC again
Close down your browser then open it again. Go back to MySSSC to see if this has fixed the problem. If it hasn’t, please call us on 0345 60 30 891 or email registration@sssc.uk.com Please have these details to hand:
- the browser you are using and the version
- the device you are using (computer, mobile, tablet)
- the issue you are having.