
This table shows the old Register and the new Register parts that registrants will move to from 3 June 2024.

Old Register part Register part from 3 June 2024
Social workerSocial worker
Social work student Social work student 
Manager of a care home service for adultsSocial care worker 
Supervisor in a care home service for adults
Practitioner in a care home service for adults
Support worker in a care home service for adults 
Manager of a housing support service 
Supervisor in a housing support service
Support worker in a housing support service
Manager of a care at home service
Supervisor in a care at home service 
Support worker in a care at home service 
Manager of an adult day care service 
Managers of a residential child care serviceChildren and young people's worker
Supervisor in a residential child care service
Practitioner in a residential child care service
Manager of a day care of children service
Practitioner in a day care of children service 
Support worker in a day care of children service
Manager of a residential school care accommodation service
Supervisor in a residential school care accommodation service
Practitioner in a residential school care accommodation service
SCSWIS authorised officer* 
*mapped to social care workforce or children and young people workforce depending on the type(s) of services inspected
Social care worker
Children and young people's worker