Consultation on a proposal to add new groups of the workforce to the SSSC Register
1. Introduction to the consultation
2. Who does this apply to?
3. Why are we proposing to add new groups from the social service workforce to the SSSC Register?
4. What are we consulting on?
5. When will this happen?
6. How can I take part in the consultation and when does it close?
7. Focus groups
8. More about the SSSC and what do we do
9. Impact assessment
1. Introduction to the consultation
This consultation sets out a proposal to expand the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) Register to include the following groups of workers.
Watch a short presentation about this consultation.
Proposed new groups
Adult day care service - support worker, practitioner and supervisor.
Offender accommodation service – practitioner, supervisor and manager.
Social work assistant.
In 2023 the Scottish Government commissioned the SSSC to look into expanding the Register to potentially include new groups of workers from the social service sector.
We engaged with stakeholders in lots of ways including in person meetings, focus groups and written feedback.
Following this we developed the proposed role descriptions and qualification requirements to make sure they reflect the requirements of each role. We completed this work and provided a report to Scottish Government on our findings, recommending which new groups to include for registration.
Following this consultation, our Council will consider the response and will make a recommendation to Scottish Government on how to proceed which will then go to Scottish Ministers for a decision.
If adding the new groups is approved, new legislation and changes to our Registration Rules will be required before we make any changes to the Register.
2. Who does this apply to?
This consultation is relevant to anyone currently working in the proposed new groups which are social work assistants and those working in adult day care services and offender accommodation services.
The consultation is also relevant to the wider social service sector, including anyone already registered with the SSSC as well as employers, trade unions, relevant membership and representative bodies, other professional bodies, learning providers and individuals who use services and carers.
We want to hear as many views as possible.
3. Why are we proposing to add new groups from the social service workforce to the SSSC Register?
Following the work we completed in 2023 we recommended to Scottish Government that the groups listed below be added to the Register and are consulted on.
Proposed new groups
Adult day care service - support worker, practitioner and supervisor.
Offender accommodation service – practitioner, supervisor and manager.
Social work assistant.
4. What are we consulting on?
We want your views on:
the role descriptions that set out what people in these roles do
the qualifications relevant for the role
the fee levels
the Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) requirements which set what continuous learning is needed for each role.
To see the details of this for each group please click on the links below:
The qualifications in this proposal are the proposed benchmark qualifications for each proposed new group. We will follow a similar approach to other groups already on the Register and will also likely accept other qualifications which have been assessed as equivalent to these benchmark qualifications. To see the other qualifications we accept for other Register groups visit the Help with Register parts, fees and qualifications page. We accept a range of relevant qualifications but only if they meet our principles and criteria.
You can find out more about qualifications here.
5. When will this happen?
The consultation opens on 30 January 2025.
The consultation closes on 9 April 2025 and analysis will take place in April 2025.
The SSSC’s Council will review the outcome of the consultation at its meeting on 22 May 2025 and make a recommendation to Scottish Government.
If Scottish Ministers decide that the Register should be expanded to include the new groups we will work with Scottish Government on a timeline for implementation and we will let you know when that timeline has been established.
6. How can I take part in the consultation and when does it close?
The consultation opens on 30 January 2025 and closes on 9 April 2025.
You can answer the whole survey, answering questions about each of the proposed new groups or you can choose to answer questions about specific groups only. You will be asked if you wish to answer questions about each proposed group and you can choose yes or no until you get to the group you wish to answer questions about.
The first part of the consultation asks for some information about you to help us learn more about who has responded.
The next part covers the proposals for role descriptions, qualifications, fees and CPL for each of the proposed new groups.
The final part asks for your equality information.
7. Focus groups
We’re holding online focus groups throughout March 2025 to hear your views about our proposals. There are two online sessions for each proposed new Register group. You can attend one or more focus groups according to your area of interest. We want to hear as many views as possible and look forward to meeting you at the online events.
8. More about the SSSC and what do we do
You can find out more about what we do, our vision, aims and responsibilities on our About us page.
There are more than 212,000 people working in social services in Scotland. This includes social care workers, social workers, social work students and children and young people workers in a range of care services, in residential and day centres, community facilities and in people’s homes. More than 176,500 are registered with the SSSC.
We protect the public by registering this workforce, setting standards for their practice, conduct, training and education and by supporting their professional development.
Alongside our regulatory role, the SSSC is responsible for standards of training and development for the social work, social care and children and young people workforce and we work with the other UK social work, social care and children and young people workforce regulators to develop and maintain these standards.
Registered social service workers bring professional skills, values and knowledge. They work alongside other professionals like nurses, focused on our most vulnerable people.
Registration brings an assurance to those people that those working with them are properly qualified, skilled and follow the SSSC Codes of Practice which set the standards for this workforce.
9. Impact assessment
Read our Impact Assessment: Expanding the Register to New Groups (February 2025).