Employers have a legal responsibility to make sure all their staff are correctly registered. It is an offence to continue to employ an unregistered worker for more than six months after their start date in a role recognised for registration.
If you have any queries about what role an employee can do if they are not registered after six months, contact your Care Inspector.
You can manage and track your workers’ registration on MySSSC by becoming a lead countersignatory, additional countersignatory or having employer access. Before you apply, you should read the guidance for more information on these roles. It is important to have the right people in these roles as they will be the main contact between the SSSC and your organisation for all matters relating to registration.
If you have been chosen to carry out one of these roles you can apply by signing into MySSSC, clicking on the ‘Are you an employer?’ tile and submitting your request.
Once you have gained access, you can consult the MySSSC FAQ here.
Make sure staff have the right information ready when they are applying for registration. We have produced guides to help employers support workers through the registration process.
You could fill in part of the form, such as part of the Register to apply for, Care Inspectorate care service number and countersignatory details as part of your employee induction.
Registered workers are personally responsible for making sure they meet the continuous professional learning (CPL) requirement. Under the SSSC Code of Practice for Employers we expect employers to help registered workers continue their professional development.
It is important you use supervision and/or staff development schemes to discuss and plan with your employees how they can meet their CPL requirement.
Employers of social service workers have a duty to let the SSSC know if they dismiss a social service worker on the grounds of misconduct or if a social service worker has resigned or left their job in circumstances that would otherwise lead to dismissal for conduct, or dismissal for misconduct would have been considered.
This responsibility is set out under the legislation for regulation of social service workers in Scotland.
Our guidance will help you if you are unsure about how to raise a concern in your workplace.
Read the guidance hereRegistration is compulsory for many social service roles so visit our ‘Help with Register parts, fees and qualifications tool' for more information.
Access the tool hereCheck the registration status of a social worker or social care worker employed in Scotland
Search the RegisterSocial services that employ SSSC registered staff can use our logo on their website to help promote the benefits of registration to their service and the people who use the service.
Find out about promoting registrationContinuous professional learning (CPL) is the learning we do for work which helps us develop our knowledge, skills and professional behaviour so we can deliver our best practice.
The Codes of Practice set out the standards of practice and behaviour expected of social service workers and their employers.
Visit our registration and MySSSC help centre to find the answers to common questions, including qualifications for registration, MySSSC accounts and employer access.