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Make a complaint about the SSSC

Make a complaint about the SSSC

Complain now

Raise a concern about a worker

Find out how

We try to provide the best possible service but accept that sometimes things go wrong.

When this happens, we’d like to know so we can try to put things right.

We have a guide for members of the public who want to make a complaint about the SSSC.

Read our full complaints guidance

How to complain

To make a complaint about the SSSC please complete the complaint form.

You will be asked to provide:

  • Your name
  • Your preferred contact details
  • As much detail as possible on the issues you wish to complain about
  • The date the issue occurred, or the date you first became aware of the issue.
Complete the complaint form

Is your complaint about a worker?

If you want to raise a concern about a social service worker please complete the raising a concern about a worker form.

Complete the raising a concern form

Our Fitness to Practise department will consider your complaint.

What do we treat as a complaint?

We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction about the way we work, including the conduct of our staff.

Your complaint may involve more than one part of the organisation or be about someone working on our behalf.

Anonymous complaints

We will investigate anonymous complaints if possible, however we may not be able to do a full investigation.

Do you want to make a complaint about a service?

If you have concerns about a regulated care service in Scotland you can:

Stages of a complaint

We want to resolve complaints as quickly and simply as possible.

Please raise your complaint with the SSSC staff member you have been dealing with. If you feel you can't complain to them, please complain to their manager. You can find out who this is by contacting us by email or telephone 0345 60 30 891.

Let us know what the problem is, how it happened and how you would like us to sort it out.

We will give you our decision within five working days. We’ll tell you if we need more time to investigate.

If we can't resolve your complaint at this stage, we will explain why and tell you what you can do next. We might suggest you take your complaint to stage two.

Stage two deals with two types of complaint, which are those that:

  • have not been resolved at stage one
  • are complex and require detailed investigation.

When using stage two we will:

  • acknowledge your complaint within three working days
  • where appropriate, discuss your complaint with you to understand why you remain unhappy and the outcome you want
  • respond in full to the complaint within 20 working days from the day we received it.

If our investigation will take longer than 20 working days, we will tell you and agree revised time limits.

If you remain unhappy at the end of stage two, you can complain to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO).

Getting help to make your complaint

We understand making a complaint can be difficult, so we can accept a complaint made on your behalf by a friend, family member, advocate or someone else, if you’ve given them permission.

If you need any help to make a complaint, including getting information in a different language or format please get in touch, so we can help. BSL users can contact us via contactSCOTLAND-BSL. Get more information on the contactSCOTLAND website.

Complaints performance reports

We also produce reports on our complaints performance.

Read the reports

Complaints handling procedure

Our complaints handling procedure has in-depth information on how we report on and learn from complaints.

Read our complaints procedure

Care Inspectorate online complaint form

If you have concerns about a regulated care service in Scotland you can fill in the Care Inspectorate online complaint form.

Access the online complaint form


Find out more about registering with the SSSC including what qualifications you need and how much it costs.

Supporting the workforce

Discover our free learning resources and how our work can support your learning and development.

Fitness to practise

Read more about our fitness to practise process, registrant responsibilities and how to make a complaint about a worker.